Medium Format Film Portraits with Gabby
Hello, back again! I’m here to share a few frames with you from a trip I took to Nokonoshima Island Park this past summer with my friend Gabby. I carried my Mamiya m645 1000s medium format film camera and decided it would be the perfect opportunity to attempt some portraits with 120 film. It was my very first time shooting portraits with it, and I’ve got to say the results were pretty good! Since I don’t use a light meter, I try to meter with an app on my phone or play it by ear, and on that day I was doing a bit of both. Gabby was a great sport and incredibly patient while I fiddled with getting my focus right.
These were shot on Kodak Portra 400 film. A local lab in my town developed the film after which I scanned it using a Skier CopyBox II and a macro extension tube on my Sigma 18-35mm lens. There were some issues with the development process as it left streaks on every frame, but in the end, I didn’t mind it too much. I still have a few more frames from that roll that need scanning but until then, enjoy these portraits!