Portraits With Alana: Part Deux
Guess who’s back! Recently I’ve been bolstering my home studio with a few bits and bobs (a modifier here, a boom pole there) and decided it was time to put a few of these to work. I decided to reach out to my good friend Alana, who you might recognise from this 2015 post, in order to have some fun! Like I said in my previous post with her, she’s always incredibly cool and comfortable, and is always willing to do something new.
Working with a mix of two speedlights and two softboxes, we tried out a few different lighting techniques until we got a full day of shooting done. Coming out of this shoot, I can truly say I learned quite a bit. Not just about managing and shaping light, but also working my personal studio space to the best of its ability. While I always believe my work has room for improvement it can only get better with more practice. In the end, we got images that we both love, and I look forward to working with her again!