On Assignment: International Mecca of Style 2016
I’ve recently had the pleasure of working with one of Jamaica’s leading local newspapers as a freelance photojournalist, and as such, I’ve had quite a few experiences working in places that I might not have been before. In addition to this I have also been working in some of the same spaces but in a different position, or context than I previously have; and quite frankly it’s been refreshing! One such assignment lead me to cover Saint International’s International Mecca of Style, a part of its annual Style Week event, held at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel in Kingston, Jamaica.
The International Mecca of Style offers a taste of Jamaica’s (and the Caribbean’s) hottest established and up and coming fashion designers. Working a fashion show is quite different from shooting most any other event due to the pace at which things go. It wasn’t my first time in that kind of setting; I’ve worked as a production coordinator on regional television show Mission Catwalk for two seasons. But given that I was now working in a different capacity, it was a whole other kettle of fish.
It starts with finding the perfect spot from which to shoot; if you don’t get there early enough to secure a spot at the front of the runway, you might be in a spot of trouble. And with sections cordoned off for media from specific outlets, it wasn’t easy, but I got it done! Below are some of my favourite images from the night, one of which made the cover of the Sunday magazine in the paper.